About us
Our aims
The aims of the club are quite simple:
To provide friendship and good fellowship to all senior citizens making them feel wanted.
Our Special days
Apart from our regular weekly activities, we also have many other activities which bring fun and laughter.
We have celebrated special days like St Patricks, St Georges, St Andrews and Tynwald usually with a hot lunch or buffet and later in the year we celebrate ‘Hop-tu-Naa’.
Christmas celebrations
As we get near to Christmas we have a party with a ‘Jumper’ sponsorship and we also have children from a local school come along to sing and entertain us.
We finish off the year with a great three course Christmas lunch.
Other events
Other ‘surprise’ events come up quickly all the details appear at our ‘Information’ table in the hall.
Let's go travelling!
Our weekly raffle takings go towards our social activities and we all enjoy trips out especially in the summer.
Apart from a light lunch we try to visit places of interest. The club can’t pay all the costs so we do, on occasions, ask members for a small donation, all helps to keep the wheels turning.